Discover Tranquillity With Ayurveda- Daily Routine Tips To Help Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Daily routine tips to reduce stress & anxiety | Charya Ayurveda

Unwind From The Chaos Of Modern Lifestyle

Picture this scenario, it is early in the day and you are going about your daily tasks in the office. Suddenly you receive a call from your manager asking you to come to his cabin. You feel your heart leaps into your mouth, your hands go cold and you start sweating. Or you have an important client meeting in the next 10 mins and you are stuck in traffic. Or you are facing a tough financial situation and have to make some tough choices.

All of us must have faced similar situations more than once in our lives. When you have a life worth living, you cannot deny the stress and anxiety it brings along with it. But unfortunately, with each passing generation, stress has become quite a common part of our daily chaotic life. What we don’t realise is that a prolonged impact on mental health can lead to a number of physical ailments.

Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards wellbeing and believes in balancing our mental, physical and spiritual health equally. Adopting an Ayurvedic daily routine, also known as Dinacharya, can significantly contribute to reducing stress and anxiety.

The Governing Energies Behind Mental Wellbeing

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha are the three governing energies that determine the positive and negative stress levels in your body.

  • Vata Dosha- Deranged Vata Dosha in the body may lead to restlessness and overthinking which in turn may also result in insomnia, increased levels of anxiety and difficulty concentrating.
  • Pitta Dosha- Pitta is directly linked to intellectual activities, therefore when it is heightened, you may tend to feel angry, irritated and a spike in hypertension.
  • Kapha Dosha- Kapha characterises emotional balance and wellbeing. When disturbed, it may lead to lethargy, lack of motivation, and depression.

An Ayurvedic Guide To Finding Your Calm

Your Charyā or daily routine and habits can have a significant effect on your mental and physical wellbeing. Ayurveda believes in helping you connect with nature and cultivating positivity through mind, body and soul. Here are some daily routine tips to help you induce tranquillity in your lifestyle-

  • A Stress-free Start To Your Day- Begin your mornings with yoga and pranayama, meditation to calm the mind and provide enough oxygen to your brain. Make sure to include a nutritious and wholesome breakfast that is rich in protein and antioxidants.
  • Cultivate Calm & Positivity Through Shiroabhyanga- Practicing regular head massage with warm coconut oil or medicated oil with Brahmi and Jatamansi is said to calm the nervous system and promote relaxations throughout the body.
  • Nasya For Vata Balance & Detoxification- Nasya is an important aspect of Panchakarma that promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. The nasal passages are connected to the brain and Nasya is said to influence the central nervous system and prana (life force energy). Nasya when practiced with ghee is also said to govern and pacify Vata dosha.
  • Therapeutic Ayurvedic Herbs To Pacify Your Stress- Herbs such as Brahmi, Tagar and Arjun are known for their Vata pacifying properties and help to relieve stress and anxiety. Shanti Charyā is a unique dip and drink kadha that acts as a brain tonic and gives you the strength to face the increasing challenges of a modern lifestyle.

It is important to reflect on the fact that your daily habits or Dinacharya can determine how you cope with the stresses of life. To help you decode your mind and body’s needs and get personalised insights into building a path to holistic wellbeing, we have created ‘Know Your Charyā’ an exclusive Ayurvedic test, that will assess your daily routine and habits and help you identify any possible health issues you may face in the future. Know Your Charyā is your health card that will guide you towards a healthier tomorrow.

By : Vd. Shweta Labde
