Periods Are Normal …. Period pain is not!

kadha for periods to reduce pain

By: Vd. Shweta Labde

Every woman experiences the natural phenomenon of periods, marking an essential aspect of her life. Periods are not something to be ashamed of or hidden away, but rather a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience that women possess. Not only this but it also signifies happy reproductive health.

In Ayurveda, the term used for menstruating women is “Rajaswala”. There are various practices and activities written by Acharyas to be followed during menstruation by a Rajaswala to combat the pain, discomfort, PMS and other related symptoms.

Let’s know more about menstrual pain and ways to tackle them.

Understanding Normal Periods

An Periods are normal. It is a process that almost all girls go through as they hit puberty. They are a natural part of the menstrual cycle, which typically occurs every 21 to 35 days and lasts for 2 to 7 days. During this time, the uterus sheds its inner uterine lining, known as endometrium, resulting in bleeding.

Normal and healthy periods are characterized by consistent timing, regular flow, and minimal discomfort.

Ayurveda Perspective on Periods

In Ayurveda, it is believed that every individual has a unique mind-body constitution which is termed Prakriti. This Prakriti is determined by the balance of the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – within the individual. As every woman has a unique Prakriti, the balance of these doshas differs, leading to variations in menstrual cycles.

For example, A woman with:

- Vata dominating Prakriti may experience scanty and painful periods. Also, Vata-dominant females have irregular periods, it can be sometimes less than 28 days or sometimes more than 28 days.

- Dominant Pitta Prakriti may experience a burning sensation, excessive flow and feelings of anger and irritability. Pitta Predominant females usually have a period cycle of 26-28 days.

- Dominant Kapha Prakriti may have heavy periods along with bloating and mucous discharge. In addition, Kapha Prakriti females have prolonged periods (between 30-35 days).

Why is Period pain not normal?

Period pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, is not normal. It is a symptom of an underlying condition that affects the menstrual cycle. Menstrual cramps are caused by the contractions made by the uterus by shedding its inner lining. So, minor cramps and discomfort are something you need not worry about. However, excessive pain during menstruation can be an alarming sign of more significant issues such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or adenomyosis.

Types of period pains

Period pain, also known as Dysmenorrhoea, is of two types: Primary Dysmenorrhoea – it occurs due to menstruation only, no other condition is involved. Secondary Dysmenorrhoea – it occurs when other medical conditions are engaged.

What causes period pain?

The contractions caused by the uterus are responsible for period pain as it sheds its inner lining during menstruation. The uterus releases prostaglandins, a hormone that causes the uterus to contract, leading to pain and discomfort.

Moreover, period pain is also caused by an imbalance in the body’s doshas, specifically Vata and Pitta. Imbalanced Vata dosha is responsible for painful cramps. On the other hand, imbalanced Pitta dosha is responsible for burning sensation and discomfort during periods.

Home remedies for period pains

There are various home remedies for your period pain control and they involve:

Oil application – applying medically formulated oil to your back and abdomen eases the pain.

Homemade decoctions: These decoctions (kadha) include herbal ingredients with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. For eg.”Sukhada Granules” by “Charya Ayurveda”. It is a “Dip and Drink kadha” combination of various herbs which facilitate menstrual well-being, manages back aches and cramps and ease the menstrual flow.

Previously in the olden days, women were engaged in physical work which involved bending and movements in the lower abdominal area, this facilitated uterine exercises naturally, & these activities led to fewer period problems.But now, with a change in lifestyle and more sitting and standing work, period pain has become more prevalent.Therefore, it is important to include physical exercise in your lifestyle, it can be gentle exercises like walking, bending,yoga or stretching. Rajaswala charya or code of conduct during menstruation

Rajaswala charya is a set of guidelines that outlines proper conduct, including hygiene practices and avoiding certain activities.

When to consult a doctor

During menstruation, mild cramps and spasms can be expected. However, if these cramps are persistent and very painful to the extent they affect your daily routine, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider as it can be due to any specific concerns or medical conditions.

Conclusion :

In a nutshell, we must break the taboo surrounding periods and acknowledge that they are a natural and normal part of a woman’s life. However, period pain should not be normalized or ignored. It is necessary to seek medical attention if the pain is severe or interfering with daily activities.

You should also try to adopt Ayurveda Health and wellness to combat this problem. At Charya Ayurveda, we can help you out. Women need not suffer in silence but should feel empowered to speak up and seek help.