Dantadhawan: Ayurveda’s Holistic Approach to Oral Health

Dantadhawan: Ayurveda’s Holistic Approach to Oral Health

Discover the essential practices included in Dantadhawan for maintaining oral hygiene and dental health beyond just brushing, including time of brushing, choosing toothpowder, and tongue cleaning.

Maintaining oral hygiene and dental health is an essential practice for overall well-being. Good oral health is linked to the health of the entire body. In Ayurveda, the practice of dantadhawan, or brushing goes beyond simply brushing the teeth. Dantadhawan is an essential practice included in dinacharya, It encompasses a holistic approach to oral care that considers various aspects, such as the type of toothbrush, toothpaste, or dantamanjan powder. The use of herbs with specific rasa (taste), brushing techniques, and time of brushing is taken into consideration with respect to an individual’s dosha, or unique body constitution.

Dantadhawan involves a set of practices to clean and caress the teeth, gums, tongue, and mouth using natural methods. Some of the key principles of dantadhawan include –

Time of Brushing

Oral Cavity is dominated by Kapha dosha, it should be therefore ideally cleaned twice a day, during the early morning hours and in the first phase of the night (6-10 am and pm) This is because Kapha dosha is dominant during these times, and brushing during this period can help to balance the doshas and promote oral health.

Choosing tooth powder/ toothpaste

Choose your toothpaste or powder with dominant tastes like bitter, hot, and astringent for brushing, as these tastes are good cleansers and remove kapha. They also have antimicrobial, antiseptic, and healing effects. This action also prevents decay (caries), infection, and swelling of gums, and heals oral ulcers if any.

Choosing Toothpaste Ingredients

Toothpaste or tooth powders containing herbs like neem, clove, babool, triphala, bilva should be selected.

Natural alternates

Ayurveda suggests the use of twigs of plants like neem, Arka, vata, khadir, karanj, which have medicinal properties to be used for dantadhawan, these usually are decided according to Prakriti, i.e., body constitution. These twigs are chewed to form bristles that help in cleaning the teeth and gums.

Considering the rare possibility of herbal twigs, in today’s practical world, it is recommended to use dantamanjan made with these powders. A gentle massage with a finger on the gums with dantamanjan improves blood circulation, heals ulcers, and strengthens and protects the gums from infection and bleeding. It is perfectly fine if a few particles of dantamanjan is swallowed with saliva.

Tongue cleaning

Tongue cleaning should always be followed by tongue scraping. A metal tongue scraper should be used. The tongue should be cleaned well from the base to tip. Tongue scraping habit maintains oral hygiene and prevents bad breath.

Oral Practices

A few more procedures like gargling, mouth rinse and oil pulling should be practiced after dantadhawan. We shall know in detail about it in upcoming blogs.

In conclusion

Dantadhawan or brushing is an essential aspect of oral health. It involves not only the physical act of brushing but a lot more. Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into oral care practices can help maintain optimal oral health, prevent oral problems, and promote overall well-being.

By : Vd. Shweta Labde
