Frequently Asked Questions

Below FAQ are some common concerns of our customers, if you have other questions,

Below FAQ are some common concerns of our customers, if you have other questions, please just send it to Below FAQ are some common concerns of our customers, if you have other questions,

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What is Charyā Ayurveda?

Charyā Ayurveda helps you in achieving a healthy lifestyle by covering the smallest aspects of every regime through consultation, guidance, products, and services along with a comprehensive platform ecosystem. The aim is to make the journey of a user toward a healthy lifestyle easy, hassle-free, and fruitful. Charyā Ayurveda makes it possible by integrating the philosophy of Ayurveda into the smallest facet of your everyday life.

How much difficult is it to integrate the Ayurveda philosophy in my daily routine?

Integrating Ayurveda is not at all difficult in your daily lifestyle. Ayurveda and its philosophy is present in every aspect of our daily life, right from the moment we wake up in the morning till the time we go back to bed and everything in between. If we make smaller and inconspicuous changes in the way we carry out our daily routine, can make a huge difference in our overall health.

Are all the products 100% natural?

Yes, all Charyā Ayurveda products are 100% natural and free of harmful chemicals.

How is Charyā Ayurveda different from other Ayurveda brands in the market?

Charyā Ayurveda believes in integrating the philosophy of Ayurveda into every aspect of your daily life. All the Charyā Ayurveda products are made by keeping an individual’s daily routine in mind. For example, we have Swapna Charyā granules that are based on every individual’s night regime, consumption of this concoction helps in getting sound sleep.

What is the idea behind Charyā Ayurveda?

The idea behind Charyā Ayurveda is to make Ayurveda and its philosophy an integral part of everyone’s daily life. Contrary to the common notion – Ayurveda being just a system of traditional medicine – it is the science of life.

How do you decide which product is suitable for me as a consumer?

Charyā Ayurveda gets an understanding of a consumer’s lifestyle through the Charyā Score questionnaire, based on the score, the user is recommended a set of products along with counselling for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

What is Charyā Score?

Charyā Score is to determine the state of lifestyle of a user, based on this score Charyā Ayurveda recommends a customized set of products along with counselling to the customers. This score is achieved by providing answers to questions based on the users’ lifestyles.

Will my information shared on Charyā Score be kept confidential?

Yes, the information provided by users on the Charyā score is kept completely confidential and anonymous. Charyā Ayurveda does not use this information anywhere else without users’ consent.

Are the products safe for pregnant women and children?

The products are to be taken as per directions mentioned on the packaging or as directed by physicians. Pregnant women and children to consult their family physicians before using Charyā Ayurveda products which are meant for internal usage . External usage products can be used in children and pregnant ladies safely.

Where can I buy these products? Are they available in stores?

Our products are available in the shop section of Currently, our products are not available in physical stores.

What is your product range?

We have products for every aspect of an individual’s daily life viz. daily routine, night routine, menstrual routine, gynaecological health, stress, beauty regime, etc. We are working on adding more products to our offerings.

Are the products for women intimate care and menstrual care safe to use? Are there any side-effects which I should be aware of?

Products for women’s intimate care and menstrual care are safe to use as they are completely natural with zero use of synthetic components. All the products of Charyā Ayurveda are to be used as per the directions provided on the packaging or as directed by the physician.

Do Charyā Face Oil and Medaripu Oil have strong medicinal smell to them?

Charyā Face oil has a soothing and pleasant fragrance. Medaripu oil doesnot have strong smell but has medicinal smell to some extent, this is due to the medicinal herbs that release its components in the oil during the process of oil making.

Do you also provide consulting and counselling services to lead a healthy lifestyle as per Ayurveda philosophy? How can I avail these services?

Charyā Ayurveda is a complete ecosystem for Ayurveda, wherein we are trying to make Ayurveda a part of everyday life. Through the Charyā Ayurveda platform, we also provide consulting and counselling services, but these features are yet to be released on the platform. We shall keep all our users posted on the updates.

Can I use Charyā product while I am already undergoing medical treatment for a pre- existing illness?

Charyā Ayurveda believes in making the journey towards a healthy lifestyle for every individual an easy and hassle-free process. If you are suffering from a prolonged illness or there is a pre-existing ailment, we recommend consulting your physician before opting for Charyā Ayurveda Products.

Do Charyā Ayurveda ship products to my city?

Yes, Charyā Ayurveda does ship products to any part of the country provided the address and location are correct.