Understanding PCOD and PCOS and How it Affects Women’s Health

Guide on PCOD & PCOS | Charya Ayurveda

Have you ever found yourself lost and confused, wondering if PCOS and PCOD are the same or entirely different? Don’t worry. You are not alone in this confusion. These two terms are used interchangeably many times leaving a set of confusion.

But here’s the truth: PCOS and PCOD are two different diseases affecting the majority of females. 8-13% of females in their reproductive years suffer from PCOS and this number is increasing every day.

So, let’s delve into the article to learn about PCOS, PCOD, and their effect on women’s health and to understand them and their management through Ayurveda.

What is PCOD and PCOS?

PCOD is one of the most common clinical conditions in females. It is a disorder in which your ovaries produce immature or partially immature eggs due to poor lifestyle, leading to obesity, stress, hormonal imbalance, and many more. Due to increasing male hormones, there is irregular ovulation i.e. irregular formation of the female egg, making it hard to get pregnant.

Ayurveda perspective on PCOS & PCOD

However, in Ayurveda, there is no word-to-word description of PCOS and PCOD. However, symptoms of PCOS and PCOD are closely related to the disease Aartvadushti. In other words, aartav dushti is an abnormality of the ovum, menstrual cycle, or female reproductive system in general.

It is believed that deranged Vata Dosha with Kapha dosha produces swellings called Granthi (cysts) in ovaries. This causes impaired endometrial formation and irregular menstrual cycle.

While PCOS and PCOD may seem similar, they differ in key ways. PCOD involves the release of immature eggs, leading to hormonal imbalances and swollen ovaries. In PCOS, the issue is excess androgens, causing eggs to form cysts within the ovaries without being released.

Causes of PCOD and PCOS problem in females

In Ayurveda, it is a must to eradicate the root cause of any disease for its proper management. The common causes of Artava Vyapad or PCOS and PCOD as per Ayurveda are:

  • Snigdha and cold food i.e. fast food, bakery products, aerated cold drinks, chocolates, non-veg diet, packaged food etc
  • Lack of exercises
  • Excessive repeated food or water intake without the feeling of hunger or thirst
  • Controlling natural urges
  • Excessive stress
  • Poor sleeping habits

Symptoms of PCOD and PCOS

Each disease has its own set of symptoms. In PCOS and PCOD, females collectively exhibit symptoms caused by vitiated Kapha and Vata doshas:

  • Irregular menses
  • Weight gain
  • Excessive appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Acne
  • Facial hairs
  • Infertility

Management of PCOS and PCOD

The management of PCOD and PCOS problems in females in Ayurveda focuses on balancing the doshas and dhatus. This treatment requires a multimodular approach of medicine, lifestyle modifications and dietary changes. Also, while managing PCOS and PCOD problems in females, the line of treatment depends on symptoms.

Moreover, Ayurveda follows two main types of treatment; Shodhana (purification procedures) and Shamana (medicinal treatment).

Shodhana (Purification procedures)

Shodhana is a set of protocols in which waste products and toxins are eliminated outside the body. Also, the shodhana procedure balances the dosha and cleanses the channels.

Shodhana procedure prescribed in Ayurveda for PCOS and PCOD is Vamana (Therapeutic emesis), Virechan (Therapeutic purgation) and Basti (Enema therapy).

Ayurvedic tips for preventing PCOD / PCOS

Ayurveda always believes in maintaining the health of healthy ones and treating the diseased ones. So, while mentioning the treatment plan Ayurveda gives its preference to dietary and lifestyle modifications.


  • Eat whole, fresh and fibre-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.
  • Practice mindful eating.
  • Avoid overeating and having excessive spicy food like paani puri, fast food and junk food.
  • Drink Ayurvedic Kadha to facilitate your menstrual well-being. Charya Ayurveda Sukhanda granules are an Ayurvedic Kadha but a dip and drink easy to make kadha which corrects the functioning of vata from the uterus and resolves your menstrual issues.

Lifestyle Behavioral changes

  • Avoid sleeping at noon.
  • Follow a balanced exercise and sleep schedule.
  • Practice Surya namaskar and various yogasanas (dhanurasana, pawanmuktasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, bhujangasana)
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
  • To maintain genital hygiene, you can use Charya Ayurveda’s Naari Charya Dip & Wash Kadha . This Kadha has ayurvedic herbs like Triphala, Dashmul, and Lodhra which deep cleanses the vaginal region.
  • Manage stress, negative thoughts, anger, and conflicts.
  • Do meditation daily


In essence, PCOD and PCOS are two slightly different entities but are deeply connected. PCOD is caused due to hormonal imbalance and genetics and can be managed by lifestyle modifications. On the other side, PCOS is much more severe and requires proper management from medicinal to dietary modification.

However, Ayurveda extends its helping hand with dietary modifications, lifestyle modifications, and Ayurveda management. Charya Ayurveda’s holistic approach offers a comprehensive and personalised approach to make your journey to wellness much easier.


Q1 What causes PCOD in girls?

The main causes of PCOD are hormonal imbalance and genetics in girls.

Q2 Can PCOD girls be pregnant?

Yes, PCOD girls are pregnant, but it might cause some problems while getting pregnant.

Q3-  Does every woman have PCOD?

NO, every woman doesn’t have PCOD. There are different parameters like Ultrasound, lab tests, and diagnostic symptoms to diagnose PCOD.

By : Vd. Shweta Labde
