सद्वृत्त(Sadvrutta):The Right Conduct of Behaviour

Ayurveda Daily Routine for healthy lifestyle

Ayurveda, the ancient and authentic Indian system of medicine, is a well-known guide for living a healthy and happy life. Ayurveda directly aims to provide a comprehensive lifestyle approach to harmonize the body, mind, and soul.

The treasure of health is not so far if you regularly practice the conduct described in Ayurveda.

In Ayurveda, healthy living includes-

  • Dincharya (Daily daytime regimen)
  • Ratricharya (Night routine)
  • Ritucharya (Seasonal regimen)
  • Na vegan dharana (Not to suppress natural reflexes)
  • Sadvrutta palana (Follow the codes of conduct)

Here, in this article the point of focus is Sadvrutta, so let’s discuss more about it to understand the relevance of few do(s) and few don’t(s) to change your life in a way you never imagined.

What is Sadvrutta?

“Sadvrutta” or the “Code of conduct” is made up of two meaningful words i.e., “Sada” which means good and “Vrutta” defines regimen. The term “Sadvrutta” deals with all the relevant and crucial actions one should follow to lead a cheerful and healthy life.

Acharya Charak in Sutrasthan chapter 8 shloka 17 describes “Sadvrutta” as a path that leads an individual to achieve “Arogya” i.e., a state of being healthy and free from any mental as well as physical ailment. Also, it emphasizes “Indriya Vijaya” i.e., control over all senses.

What are the types of Sadvrutta?

One should sincerely follow Sadvruttaa to achieve unbeatable health. Sadvruttaa has different types:

  • Sharirik Sadvrutta – Physical codes of conduct
  • Mansik Sadvrutta – Mental codes of conduct
  • Samajik Sadvrutta Social codes of conduct
  • Dharmik Sadvrutta – Moral/Religious codes of conduct
  • Vyavaharik Sadvrutta – Ethical codes of conduct

Understanding Each Sadvrutta:

Let’s understand each Sadvrutta one by one. Also, know more about what are the things one should do in specific Sadvrutta and what are things one should never do to attain a state of well-being.

Sharirik Sadvrutta(Physical codes of conduct)

Sharirik Sadvrutta is the rule of physical activity to achieve strength, health, and immunity.

Do(s) of Sharirik Sadvrutta :

  • Daily Bath
  • Trim your nails, hair and moustache at regular intervals
  • Always cover your mouth while sneezing, yawning and laughing
  • Wear clean and untorn clothes daily
  • Comb your hair daily
  • Eat healthy, freshly cooked and balanced food on time
  • Always wear shoes or slippers while stepping out of the house
  • Cover your head while going out

Don’t(s) Sharirik Sadvrutta:

  • Avoid biting your nails, picking your nose and scratching your head in public
  • Try not to go in direct contact with sunlight, wind, smoke, dust and cold
  • Avoid unwanted movements of the body
  • Stay away from wild animals
  • Don’t sleep during daytime or evening hours 
  • Avoid intercourse during the evening hours
  • Never suppress natural urges

Mansik Sadvrutta (Mental codes of conduct)

Mansik Sadvrutta is a rule of mental activities to attain a peaceful and calm mind.
It includes:

Do(s) of Mansik Sadvrutta:

  • Always think and speak positively
  • Be brave, enthusiastic, religious, and forgiving
  • Respect other’s opinions 
  • Accept success as well as failures with the same instinct
  • Be sympathetic to coward, sad and innocent people 
  • Always trust your loved ones

Don’t(s) of Mansik Sadvrutta:

  • Never be jealous of someone’s success, but envy the efforts behind it and try to improvise
  • Do not be over-excited for success and over-depressive for failures
  • Never be obsessed with someone else’s money, lady or rights
  • Don’t be a slave of your senses, instead make them work according to your priorities

Samajik Sadvrutta (Social code of conduct)

Samajik Sadvrutta is a collection of habits that encourage social activity and enhance self-esteem and
social consideration.


  • Treat everyone with adoration and love
  • Participate in social speaking with a polite and soft tone
  • Stay consistent and determined to achieve your goals
  • Always start the conversation first
  • Console timid and angry people
  • Appreciate every being
  • Respect your guests and show them hospitality
  • Always follow the right path


  • Never waste your time
  • Keep your distance from wicked/pessimistic individuals
  • Never disrespect less educated, poor and weak people
  • Never point out your weakness among people
  • Do not mention your enemies in public 
  • Avoid speaking about your failures in public
  • Do not be involved in anti-social activities

Dharmik Sadvrutta (Moral/Religious codes of conduct)

Dharma does not literally mean religion, but your duties or obligations. Always attend to your duties or responsibilities first, it may be towards your family, work, society, etc. This eventually will give you self-satisfaction, mental peace to fulfil your responsibilities, and a sense of achievement. it also paves a path of righteousness and peace and is covered under Dharmik Sadvrutta.


  • Respect your gurus, teachers and elders
  • Attend all your responsibilities and duties whenever required.
  • Every task you perform should either satisfy the purpose of Dharma (duty), artha (finance, profit) or kaam(desire, interests)


  • Express gratitude towards food, your assets and the elderly
  • Do not eat food without offering, if your gurus or guests are present with you
  • Do not insult the auspicious lands and places
  • Dont indulge in making, selling consuming or offering  alcohol

Vyavhaarik Sadvrutta (Ethical code of conduct)

Vyavhaarik Sadvrutta is a guide of actions one must follow in their daily life to attain good deeds, reputation and respect in society.


  • Always speak the truth
  • Try to speak only when needed
  • Speak meaningful and beneficial sentences
  • Always analyse and understand others’ perspectives and act accordingly


  • Never speak very harsh words
  • Do not trust everyone blindly, nor suspect everyone 
  • Do not sleep on an uncomfortable bed
  • Avoid staying awake during long night hours
  • Do not take a bath until you are free from exertion
  • After a bath, don’t wear the same clothes you wore before
  • Avoid nose picking in front of everyone
  • Avoid yawning with mouth wide open in front of others

Benefits of following Sadvrutta

Acharya Vagbhatta describes he who follows Sadvrutta in his daily life as described in the texts and lives a quality of life.

The above shloka from Ashtanghridayam Sutrasthan chapter 2 shloka 48, defines the benefits of following Sadvrutta. It says one who adopts Sadvrutta will attain:

  • Ayu – A long life
  • Arogya – The state of being healthy physically, mentally, socially, occupationally and spiritually
  • Aishwaryam – Immense wealth
  • Yasha – Fame and reputation
  • Shashvata loka – The eternal world

This is how Sadvrutta helps you attain a state where you can achieve great health by introducing some good conduct in your daily life.


Thus, incorporating Sadvrutta into your daily routine not only ensures a healthy life but also helps you reach your physical health, mental stability, emotional, social and spiritual goals.

To sum up, we can define Sadvrutta as a shield to guard ourselves from different physical, mental, social, emotional and psychological disorders. By following appropriate Sadvrutta we not only can prevent ourselves from many diseases but also eliminate the root cause that can affect our health in any possible way.

By : Vd. Shweta Labde
